Courses in Limassol, Cyprus
Erasmus+ KA1 funded Courses
Course Location
Limassol, Cyprus
Course Providers
Bayswater Cyprus
PIC 911425484
OID E10023897
Funding includes
Course Fees, Individual Support (Subsistence including meals and accommodation), Organisational Support (school per capita Management Fee), Flights and Airport Transfers.
Language used for training
Host Family Accommodation
General Documents
Dates & Fees Yearly Course Planner 2025
Contact e-mail
Course Descriptions
English in Cyprus E+ Courses
EPCY 1 Intensive English
EPCY 2 Methodology of TEFL
EPCY 3 English Language & Methodology of TEFL
EPCY 4.2 English Language and Methodology of TEFL
EPCY 5 ICT Tools for Teaching and Learning
EPCY 6.2 English and ICT Tools for Teaching and Learning
EPCY 7 English and ICT Tools for Teaching and Learning
EPCY 8 English Language & CLIL
EPCY 9 English Language & Project Based Learning
Please download detailed Course Descriptions for your funding application.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or require further information.