About Us
Shadows: OID E10070815
is a U.K. based in-service training organisation dedicated to school teachers’ professional development for the benefit of students throughout Europe
Shadows encourages the sharing of best practice and the formation of lasting bonds between fellow professionals to enhance the competences of educational staff and the quality of student international mobility.
Shadows’ team of experts and consultants has qualifications in, and wide experience of:
Administration, teaching material development, financial management, language teaching, examining, course design, linguistic profiling, teacher training, school management, school inspection, curriculum innovation, leadership and management of large scale projects (school and international), global citizenship initiatives, extensive experience of Lifelong Learning Comenius /Erasmus+ projects, in-Service Training, conference work, and E.U. Project assessment.
Shadows Course Providers and Counsellors work in close partnership with: Partner schools throughout Europe, Erasmus+ National Agencies, the UK Turing Scheme, Coordinators in schools, European Teacher Associations and Continuous Professional Development Organisations, Local Education Authorities, Municipalities and their schools across Europe
David Vann Director of Shadows
Over 40 years’ experience in language teaching, examining, course design, linguistic profiling, teacher training, school management, school inspection and curriculum innovation. David has detailed and specific expertise in E.U. grant applications and project coordination/management.
Dave Smith, International Education Student Motivation and E.U. Grant Application Assessment
Dave is an expert in the fields of Global education, sustainable schools and motivating students to behave and work to their very highest potential , with 35 years’ experience as a teacher and senior manager including Comenius Lifelong learning projects, teacher training and Continuous Professional Development. In 2013 Appointed an Emeritus International Education Ambassador and Assessor of International School Awards, and in 2014, an Erasmus+ Assessor. Dave is a member of the UKGLAS organisation and is a GLA associate, working closely with the British Council.
Senior Teacher Trainer for Erasmus+ School Management In-Service Training Courses.
Judith O’Hare
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors (CIEA), holds educational assessor status (CEA) and has extensive experience of inspecting primary, secondary schools and sixth form colleges.
Judith has more than 20 years experience in education. She has been a class teacher, head of department, Assistant Head Teacher and has served school leadership teams with special responsibilities for improving teaching and learning, curriculum development, performance management and off-site visits and safety.
Judith is a recognised and experienced author of educational texts and on-line teaching resources in French and Spanish
Experienced additional School inspector of EYFS, primary, secondary and sixth form colleges, an AST and Chair of Examiners (GCSE main languages), school improvement and performance management advisor, author.