What We Do
Shadows Professional Development for Europe www.shadows.org.uk , OID E10070815
We are Erasmus+ Schools specialists: over 20 years’ experience in Comenius/Erasmus+ Course Provision, leadership/management of large international school projects and Project Assessment:
- 5 Comenius Regio projects, 2 judged “exemplary” and used as models in Brussels: Migrant Education, CLIL, Continuous Teacher Professional Development, Earth Charter Ecology & Learning to Learn.
- Multilateral bids and 3 successful Bi-Lateral school Partnerships.
- Successful KA2 bid with school partners in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands
- Support for schools’ KA1 applications – more than 1.5 million Euros grants for 2014-2019
Examples of successful KA1 Erasmus+ school applications:
Italy – 34,000 Euros won assessed at 98%
UK- 86,000 Euros won assessed at 96%
Italy- 26,000 Euros won assessed at 100%
A powerful pan-European training offer for Erasmus+ grant application: multiple and flexible arrival dates for individual participants and for a group of teachers from the same school travelling together.
- Learning and Teaching Foreign Languages
- CLIL Teaching & Learning School Subjects in a Foreign Language
- How to Empower and Motivate Students
- Language for Business, Maximising the Potential of Work Experience
- Language & School Attachments (“Bi-Component”)
- Language & Culture, Project Based Learning,
- Language & ICT for the Classroom
- Courses all-year
- Permanent Premises
- Permanent Academic & Pastoral Staff
- Erasmus+ Specialist Expertise
- Erasmus+ Schools Grant Applications
Shadows Professional Development for Europe. Over 20 years’ experience in Comenius/Erasmus+ Course Provision, leadership/management of large international school projects and Project Assessment:
Erasmus+ Specialist Course Documentation
Course Descriptions
…meet rigorous Erasmus+ requirements and include:
- Language Entry Levels
- Total Contact Hours
- Pre-Course, Intra-Course, Post-Course Modalities
- Course Content/Topics Covered
- Course Objectives
- Daily Programme & Timetable
- Outcomes expressew3d as competences
Erasmus+ Letters of Pre-Inscription
…are provided with a detailed course description for those wishing to reserve a place subject to the result of the grant application
Signed Agreements
…a signed Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement and a signed Erasmus+ Quality Commitment are prepared in detail and sent with the Confirmation and Invoice (no work for the Sending School)
….Course Provider’s Certificate of Attendance fully complies with Erasmus+ regulations
… the Sending School copies and pastes from the Mobility Agreement to make the Europass Mobility document (minimal work for the Sending School)
… the Course Provider validates the part-completed Europass Mobility as required by Erasmus+.
A Complete Service
….providing the highest training quality for the participants plus detailed support to the sending school.
This attention to detail not only saves the sending school days of work, but protects the school in case of Erasmus+ inspection/audit.